Monday, March 11, 2019

Are You Prepared to Make Your PPC Work For You This Festive Season?

People are shopping online now more than ever and a lot of companies are taking advantage of this change by investing in paid advertising. The ease of buying things online couple with functionalities like comparison and research has made shopping easier for consumers. This boost in online shopping makes it extremely important for your business to be visible and stand out among other businesses online. Paid advertising is one of the strategies you can use to achieve higher visibility and ROI.

The holidays are here again. It is a great time to make the most out of your PPC campaign. You need to take relevant steps to ensure that you achieve the best results this period. You need to begin to focus on allocating the budget for your ad campaign accordingly and ensure that you use relevant keywords that will achieve the success you desire.

One thing you should have in mind while starting out is that more than a quarter of consumers will buy during the months of October and almost half will buy during November. So, you need to prepare as soon as possible to get maximum results from your ads this holiday season.

1. Work On Your Budget

The first thing you should do is to focus on your budget. You need to ensure that you spend wisely. Consider the times of the day that customers are likely to buy your products such as evenings and plan your campaign accordingly. Ideally, you should begin to adjust your budget from the month of October till after New Year. The months of November and December should take a bigger chunk of your budget than October and afternoons should have more budget than mornings.

Make it a point of duty to monitor your progress daily. Unlike other parts of the year when you monitor your progress weekly, festive seasons require regular monitoring. You should make necessary adjustments to ensure that you get the most out of your PPC advertising campaign.

Focus on the URL’s that are used the most and spend more money and time on them. For instance, if you have two URLs that are giving you a high volume of traffic, it is logical to focus on them to ensure that you continue to achieve such good results.

Timing and budget are not the only factors that affect the success of PPC ad campaign, you need to get the right message across to potential customers.

2. Use Seasonal Keywords

You may have achieved good results with your standard keywords during the year but you need to give it a twist this festive season. Consider using some seasonal keywords for your campaign this season if you want to get a huge amount of clicks and sales from your customers. Remember that your competitors are spending on paid ads so you should not lag behind. Use keywords like ‘Christmas gifts’ or ‘family presents for New Year’. These keywords are popular around festive seasons, that’s why they are called seasonal keywords. The fact that you use seasonal keywords doesn’t mean that you will not use any standard keyword. The idea is to be creative with your keywords to reflect the festive period.

3. Make Use Of Social Media As Much As You Can

Social media platforms like Facebook can greatly help your paid ad campaign. With Facebook, you can target your audience based on shopping preference and demographics. This allows you to closely target your audience based on their choices. You can also use Google Ads but you will get a cheaper CPC and more visually appealing ads with Facebook. Facebook ads give little room for texts so this allows you to create visually appealing content to attract your audience and secure higher conversions.

4. Use Ads With Festive Themes.

Ensure that everything you advertise is relevant to your target holiday season. For example, you cannot target New year on Christmas. Let your ads contain descriptive promotions and seasonal words. Your festive campaigns should include unique and creative advertisement content with clearly detailed and attractive offers.

A unique, targeted holiday ad text will make your ads stand out from the generic ads that dominate search engine result pages. Inventive and positive texts perform well any time of the year and not just during the holiday seasons. If you haven’t been creative with your ads before, the festive period is the perfect time to give it a shot. You can add features like call extensions and site links to make your advert stand out among the rest. This will lead to higher conversions during the festive seasons.

5. Put Up Seasonal Promotions And Special Offers.

A vital step to take to grab the attention of holiday searchers is to create new ad texts that include specific seasonal promotions and special offers. These ads differentiate you from your competitors because they provide some sort of unique messaging. Ads with promotional offers have been shown to perform well consistently. Your promotional offers should be as specific as possible and the message should be clear so that searches can act upon it easily. This means you have to properly update your landing page.

Think about different promotions that can appeal to your customers depending on your business niche. If you are in the E-commerce niche, consider including coupon codes in your ad texts, offer free gift box and shipping etc. For consumer services, offer year-end deals and offers that extend beyond the holidays season. If it’s the Business-to-Business (B2B) niche, make new fiscal year offers and year-end deals. These are ways to generate more conversions during the festive season.

Impulse-driven purchases are at their peak during holiday seasons. That’s why it is important for you to take time to optimise your PPC campaigns to draw the attention of holiday shoppers. These tips should help you make the most of your paid campaign this festive season. Remember to add realistic dates to your campaigns.

The post Are You Prepared to Make Your PPC Work For You This Festive Season? appeared first on Bill Lentis Media.

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