Saturday, May 9, 2020

How To Blend Avocado For Baby

Avocados have nutritional value, and a really mild flavor. These are the two reasons why, avocados are perfect for feeding babies. As soon as a child turns 6 months, he can be fed avocado, and because of its nutritional benefits, most parents choose to do exactly that.

Even though avocados are high in fat, but it is the good kind of fat and parents shouldn’t worry about its impact. It contains omega 3 fatty acids, which can help in the development of a baby’s brain. For blending an avocado for a baby, make sure that the avocados one picks are ripe. Ripe avocados have bumpy skin, and they are dark green in color. Also go and check out the does blending destroy fiber – additional info.

Recipe For Blending Avocado For Baby

To give a baby avocado for the first time, a parent needs to create the perfect, smooth puree. This way, the baby won’t reject the meal in the future, if he or she likes it the first time. To make avocado food in a blender for a baby, take 1 ripe avocado. Cut the avocado in half and then take out the pit using a knife. Scope all the meat out of the skin of the avocado, using a spoon and then put it in a dish. Put the avocado in a blender, and pout formula milk or water in it. Blend until the desired consistency for a baby is reached.

How To Keep Avocado Baby Food Fresh?

To keep the avocado baby food fresh, it is best to put it in a container, and then refrigerate it for 72 hours. If the recipe that a parent has tried has more servings, then it is best to freeze in an ice cube tray.

Can Babies Eat Avocado Every day?

Avocados are healthy for babies, because they are high in potassium. Parents can easily fork mash an avocado, if they don’t want to use a blender, and give their child a spoonful. There is nothing wrong with feeding avocados to babies every day. However, it is best to limit the feed, so that babies don’t grow tired of it.

Recipe #2 For Avocado Puree

If parents want to add a little flavor to an avocado puree, then they can do so by adding a banana to it. Place a half banana and a half avocado in the blender, and that is how a parent can achieve a smooth puree. While blending the ingredients together, a parent can add breast milk or even formula milk in it. Some babies refuse to drink their milk or eat anything that is nutritious. Giving them more flavors through different means can make things easier for parents.

Parents can also coat avocado pieces, using bread crumbs or crushed baby puffs. This would add more flavors to the avocado, and it will be easier to feed babies. Avocados are good for a baby’s health, which is why parents should think of different ways of adding them to their child’s meal.

The post How To Blend Avocado For Baby appeared first on Bill Lentis Media.

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